SOLD Sheaffer Pen #350 with gold/brown stripes. Nib is marked Sheaffer's 3. Self filling with side lever. Very Good condition.
Price: $20.00 US includes shipping and insurance.
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Planter's Peanut Pencil. Marked Planters on the clip and Mr. Peanut on the sides. Very good condion.
Price $25.00 US includes shipping and insurance.
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Drafting Set. Made by Dietzgen Co. Circa late 1800's. Good condition with one of the smaller pieces missing. The box is in fair condition.
Price $45.00 US includes shipping and insurance.
To purchase this item, please E-Mail me at
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SHEAFFER'S SKRIP WRITING FLUID. Washable Blue #42. 2 ounce, made by W.A. Sheaffer Pen Co. Fort Madison, Iowa. Label is in excellent condition and box is in good shape
Price $13.00 US includes shipping and insurance.
To purchase this item, please E-Mail me at speer@idaho.tds.netThank You
LADIES' FALCON PEN. R. Esterbrook & Co's. Philadelphia. Box of ladies ink pen tips. The box states 'These Pens are of Genuine American Manufacture and are of superior finish, elacticity and smoothness of point; they are therfore sure to gain the confidence of the general public. The facsimile signature (our Trade-Mark) is sufficient security against imitation.' There are about 100 of these in the box, which is in very good condition.
Price $15.00 US includes shipping and insurance.
To purchase this item, please E-Mail me at speer@idaho.tds.netThank You