JUSTRITE MINER'S LIGHT. Air Cooled Grip, 4" high, Very good condition.
Price:$42.00 US includes shipping and insurance.
To purchase this item, please E-Mail me at:speer@idaho.tds.net Thank You
PERKO SHIP LANTERN. Hanging, made of brass and copper. Marked PERKO and P&A MFG. Co., Waterbury, Conn. No chimney. Very good condition, but someone has painted the top with grey paint, which is wearing off.
Price:$73.00 US includes shipping and insurance.
To purchase this item, please E-Mail me at:speer@idaho.tds.net Thank You.
ADLAKE COACH LANTERN. 9 1/2" tall. Good glass, good condition.
Price: $52.00 includes shipping and insurance.
Please e-mail me at:speer@idaho.tds.net to purchase any of these items. Thank you.